Archive for July, 2006

Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens

Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens

Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens

The parks and gardens of Adelaide are a delight to visit. We have, over the years, visited quite a number of them. One of our favourites would have to be the Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens. These gardens are under the care of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens which are right next to the CBD in Adelaide. The Mt Lofty section is in the wonderful Adelaide Hills, about a half hour very pleasant drive from the CBD.

Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens

Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens

Steep Climb

The gardens have been established on the sides of Mt Lofty, the highest mountain near our state capital, Adelaide. There are two car parks, one at the top and another at the bottom. So the less fit will arrange to go with friends, leave one car at the lower level, drive to the top in the other car and walk down to the lower level. One then only has to walk downhill before repeating the process with the car shuffle in the reverse order.


Over coming days I plan to post more photos taken in these beautiful gardens.

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Pangarinda Arboretum – more photos

Red Capped Robin

Red Capped Robin

One of favourite picnic spots is the Pangarinda Arboretum at Wellington, South Australia. Not only do we enjoy wandering around admiring the vast range of flowering Australian native plants, the bird life is also quite wonderful. Birds like the stunning Red Capped Robin shown above and the noisy New Holland Honeyeaters zipping around everywhere from flower to flower. I have seen beautiful Superb Blue Wrens, dainty and quite cheeky Zebra Finches and a male Golden Whistler lighting up the green-grey foliage of the bushes with his bright golden breast feathers.

Eucalyptus flowers

Eucalyptus flowers

The arboretum is a very peaceful place to wander around, have a picnic or just sit quietly listening to and watching the passing parade of birds. The River Murray is only a few hundred metres away, complete with a new marina and housing estate, and there are many dairy farms in the nearby vacinity. Pelicans and Ibis are sometimes seen flying overhead, adding to the beauty of this special place.

Eucalyptus macrocarpa

Eucalyptus macrocarpa

Pangarinda Arboretum – more flower photos



Yesterday I posted some photos of flowers I have taken at the Pangarinda Arboretum at Wellington, South Australia. Today I add several more. The above photo of a banksia flower is one of many stunning banksias that have been planted in this arboretum. When in flower they attract dozens of birds, particularly honeyeaters.

Anigozantos flavidus hybrid (Kangaroo Paw)

Anigozantos flavidus hybrid (Kangaroo Paw)

The plant pictured above is a hybrid form of one of the Kangaroo Paw species native to Western Australia. They are resplendent in the natural habitat, but in recent times they have been grown by a growing number of gardeners in the other states. They get their name from the claw-like appendage on each flower.

Bark on a tree

Bark on a tree

Some of the larger trees are beginning to develop significantly sized trunks, despite their young age. The tree above was starting to shed the last season’s bark, making way for the new growth. The amazing contrasting coloursand textures in the last rays of sunlight for the day has produced a beautiful effect.