Kalij Pheasant, Central Zoo, Kathmandu

Kalij Pheasant, Central Zoo, Kathmandu

Kalij Pheasant, Central Zoo, Kathmandu

One of the birds I saw on my visit to the Central Zoo in Kathmandu was this Kalij Pheasant. It was actually labelled “Kaliz Pheasant” but I assume they meant the former. Some of the other labels also showed variations in spelling of species names.

I am not at all familiar with the species and haven’t seen it in the wild. My research has shown me that this pheasant is native to the northern parts of the Indian sub-continent, particularly the slopes of the Himalayas in Nepal. I didn’t have the opportunity to see this species in its natural habitat during my stay in Nepal.

I have also discovered that this species is widely kept by aviculturalists and that there are several distinct races.


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