Archive for the 'Adelaide' Category

Adelaide Writers’ Week 2010

Adelaide Writers' Week 2010

Adelaide Writers' Week 2010

Last week I travelled to Adelaide several times to attend this year’s Writers’ Week, an important feature of every Festival of Arts in the city.  This special part of the festival runs for six days at the beginning of the festival. It attracts writers and readers from all over Australia for the day long sessions. The programme always features leading Australian writers as well as a significant array of international writers and publishers.

Tom Keneally opening Adelaide Writers' Week 2010

Tom Keneally opening Adelaide Writers' Week 2010

This year’s writers’ week was opened by leading Australian writer Tom Keneally (pictured above). Tom is probably best know for his book Schindler’s Ark which was made into a very successful movie. Tom is an entertaining speaker as well as very thought provoking for readers and writers alike.

During the first afternoon the Premier of South Australia, Mike Rann (photo below), announced the Premier’s awards for writing in ten different categories.

Premier Mike Rann announcing awards at Adelaide Writers' Week 2010

Premier Mike Rann announcing awards at Adelaide Writers' Week 2010

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

When you visit Adelaide in South Australia I would recommend a visit to the Adelaide International Rose Gardens. They are only a short walk from  the CBD. Next door is the Bicentennial Conservatory and the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. A five minute walk away is the Adelaide Zoo and the River Torrens.

Click on the photos to enlarge the image.

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden

Adelaide International Rose Garden