Archive for the 'Floriade Canberra' Category

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Our holiday in Canberra

September 2007

I enjoyed the challenge of taking dozens of photos of flowers in a short space of time during our visit the Floriade in Canberra earlier this year.

I tried to capture to overall scope, colour and extensiveness of the display in some photos, while concentrating on individual blooms in other photos. I am particularly pleased with the shot shown above with the sunlight coming through the petals giving it a special glow.

To enlarge the image, click on the photo.

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Our holiday in Canberra

September 2007

We spent a whole afternoon wandering around the displays of beautiful flowers at Floriade in Canberra during our holiday there earlier this year. I would thoroughly recommend this festival of flowers to anyone who is planning a holiday there at that time of the year. The festival runs for four weeks in September and October every year.

And don’t forget to take your camera.

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

To see more flowers of Floriade go to my photo gallery here. I have posted over 1000 photos of flowers, birds, animals, scenery and much more.

To access all the articles about Floriade 2007 click here.

More Photos of Flowers at Floriade 2007 Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Our holiday in Canberra

September 2007

When we were in Canberra in September of this year I went a little crazy with my camera. The flower displays were so colourful and so extensive that I just had to record all that colour and beauty on my camera so I could share the experience with family and friends as well as readers of my blog.


There will be more photos to come in the next few days.

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

I have over 1000 photos on my photo gallery here. Go there to have a look at more flowers, birds, scenery (here in Australia and in Nepal and Thailand) and many other topics.

Flower photos from Floriade 2007 Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

The flowers at the Floriade Festival in Canberra this year were exceptional. I was amazed the size of the displays; they seemed to go on and on and on. The variety of shapes and colours has to been seen to be believed. Although I am really pleased with the results of my photography shown on this site, the display has to been seen in the flesh to be fully appreciated.

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

More photos will be posted in coming days. In the meantime, why not go to my photo gallery here. I now have over 1000 of my photos of flowers, birds, mountains (eg the Himalayas) and much more on display.

More Photos of Flowers at Floriade 2007 Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Our holiday in Canberra

September 2007

To say that I enjoyed our time at Floriade in Canberra earlier this year would be an understatement. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of photographing all those wonderful flowers – tulips, pansies, hyacinths, daffodils and many more. Hundreds of thousands of blooms waiting for my attention. I was delighted with the results.

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra

Floriade 2007, Canberra