A horse and cart in Addis Ababa

Horse and cart in the streets of Addis Ababa

While out shopping in suburban Addis Ababa during our visit there last December I took this photo of a horse and cart trundling along in the streets. Now my readers may wonder why I did that; what’s unusual about a horse and cart.

In all the time we were in Ethiopia I can recall only seeing two horses even though we travelled in some of the rural areas. It is very common to see donkeys in the rural areas of course, but they are also very common in the city. On almost every drive through the city we saw a few donkeys. On some occasions we saw many donkeys – but only the one horse in the city and one other in the country.

Sabaha Silk Shop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

In the garden of Sabaha Silk Shop, Addis Ababa

On one of the days we had in Addis Ababa we went shopping with colleagues of our daughter. They drove us around to various places of interest around the city. One of those places was to the Sabaha Silk Shop in the suburbs. The shop was interesting enough and my wife and daughter found it great to pick up a few nice items. I was more interested in the gardens in which the shop was set.

The silk shop was a small building set near a private home with extensive private gardens surrounding both buildings. The gardens were quite beautiful and provided visitors with a quiet retreat from the hustle of this frenetic  African city. I also enjoyed the birdlife in gardens and managed a few good photos (see me other site for details: Trevor’s Birding).

Sabaha Silk Shop, Addis Ababa

In the garden of Sabaha Silk Shop, Addis Ababa

What kind of church?

In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Addis Ababa in Ethiopia has many churches and mosques. The population is almost 50/50 Ethiopian Orthodox / Islamic so it is no surprise to see a liberal spread of both churches and mosques throughout the city.

I can’t recall which church is shown above, but I had a giggle at the sign pointing to the church building shown in the photo below. If you click on the photo to enlarge it you will notice that it is the FBI Church.

Interesting – I didn’t know that the FBI was a church. Looking it up on the internet I find that the letters actually stand for Faith Bible International church. It was established in 1971 by American Baptists. Someone obviously had a warped sense of humour – or they didn’t realise what they were doing until it was too late.

In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Scenes of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Street scene, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, along with most places in Ethiopia, is a bustling, crowded place with constant movement of people, animals and vehicles wherever you go. Sure, we did spend a little time in rural Ethiopia where the pace of life is far more sedate, but in the larger towns and certainly in the capital city, life is hectic and in your face most of the time.

Today I feature a few photos of street scenes taken while travelling around Addis Ababa. We hired a car with some friends to go shopping in various parts of the city. It is very challenging getting around and the constant movement of traffic is amazing, especially for one like myself who is used to a quiet rural environment in South Australia.

Street scene, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Street scene, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaStreet scene, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Children in the ALERT medical facility, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

One of the children at the ALERT medical facility, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

When we visited the shop at the ALERT medical facility (for leprosy sufferers) in Addis Ababa there were quite a few children hanging around and playing near the shop. The boy in the photo above approached and showed me the small bow and arrow he had made. He demonstrated how it worked and then asked me to take his photo.

This prompted several other children to come up to me for a photo too, so I obliged. Meanwhile my wife and daughter were busy chatting to the ladies making various items for sale in the craft shop.

Some of the children at the ALERT medical facility, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia