I’m back from travelling

Street scene, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I’ve been travelling, so I’ve been rather quiet here on this site over the last 7 weeks. The posts which did appear were prepared before I left.

Over the last 7 weeks my wife, daughter and I have had a wonderful journey through Ethiopia, Morocco and Spain. We had a wonderful time and I will be sharing my experiences and many photos here over the coming weeks and months.

Ethiopia has a great deal to offer the tourist but it seems that this country never features much in most travellers’ thinking as a desirable destination. Sure, poverty and homelessness is in your face wherever you go, especially in the capital Addis Ababa, but then I’ve seen that even in our cities here in Australia. Ethiopia has much to offer the tourist.

The reason we went to Ethiopia was to spend time with our daughter who was finishing up her term in an international school in Addis Ababa. We spent 2 weeks with her, living on the campus where she taught. It was great to see where she had been working and to not only meet her colleagues, but to meet some of the local people and students. While we were there we also took the opportunity to do some touring around, employing local drivers.

The photos on this post are first shots taken while driving from the airport to the school. They show typical street scenes that could have been taken in any large city in Africa. I was warned by our daughter not to take photos of the many soldiers and police present in one part of the city. Former US President George Bush was in the city for a major conference, explaining the strong security presence.

In the photo below you can see a high truck load of mattresses, tied down with a couple of thin ropes. We were all amazed how the mattresses managed to stay on the truck while negotiating corners. Had they toppled though, I’m sure there would have been a soft landing.

Street scene, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Construction site, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Christmas greetings

Callistomen flower, Pangarinda Arboretum, South Australia

To all my faithful readers I’d like to wish you a wonderful Christmas.

Have a safe time, enjoy yourself, and return here in coming weeks. When this post is being published, I will be enjoying a special Christmas travelling in Africa and Europe. I will have many hundreds of photos to share of my travels, so please stick around. Meanwhile, enjoy the Christmas season.

All the best,


Photos of Pangarinda Arboretum, Wellington, South Australia part 13

Pangarinda Arboretum, Wellington, South Australia

Pangarinda Arboretum, Wellington, South Australia

Pangarinda Arboretum, Wellington, South Australia

Pangarinda Arboretum, Wellington, South Australia

Photos of Pangarinda Arboretum, Wellington, South Australia part 12

Chamelaucium bush, Pangarinda Arboretum, South Australia

A spectacular Australian plant in a huge field of spectacular plants would have to be the Chamelaucium group of native plants, two of them shown here. When not in flower they are a nondescript plant, but when they burst into flower the colours can be almost overwhelming.

These photos were taken of several bushes in the Pangarinda Arboretum near Wellington in South Australia earlier this year. In a huge collection of wonderful plants it is hard to stand out from the crowd, but this species certainly does, especially on a dull winter’s day like our last visit.

You can see more flowers and plants from this collection in recent posts here on this site, and thereĀ  is more to come in the next few weeks.

Chamelaucium bush, Pangarinda Arboretum, South Australia

Chamelaucium bush, Pangarinda Arboretum, South Australia

Chamelaucium bush, Pangarinda Arboretum, South Australia

Photos of Pangarinda Arboretum, Wellington, South Australia part 11

Eremophila flowers, Pangarinda Arboretum, South Australia

My wife and I both enjoy seeing the various species of Eremophila plants in flower. Eremophilas – commonly called Emu Bushes – are found in many parts of Australia and especially in the drier inland regions. They are becoming a very popular garden plant too, mainly for their wonderful show of colourful flowers over many months. They also attract many of our nectivorous birds like honeyeaters.

This series of photographs was taken earlier this year at the Pangarinda Arboretum at Wellington, South Australia. This is just over an hour’s drive south east of Adelaide. I’ve featured this special collection of plants and flowers over recent days here on this site, so look back through recent posts for more beautiful flowers.

Eremophila flowers, Pangarinda Arboretum, South Australia

Eremophila flowers, Pangarinda Arboretum, South Australia