Mallee country near Mildura

Typical mallee country between Balranald and Mildura

Sydney Trip June 2011

On the second day of our trip home from Sydney earlier this year we stopped at the Malleefowl Rest Area. This is part way between Balranald in far western New South Wales and Mildura in north western Victoria. We were heading to Mildura where we had a cabin booked in one of the caravan parks for the night.

The rest area is set just off the highway in the midst of typical mallee country complete with saltbush, bluebush and spinifex. This open eucalypt scrubland is widespread in these parts of Australia, as well as large tracts of South Australia and Western Australia. I have a strong affinity with this type of bushland because the farm house I grew up on was set in the midst of some mallee scrub. And for the last twenty eight years I’ve had my own piece of mallee bush to live in.

Typical mallee country between Balranald and Mildura

Typical mallee country between Balranald and Mildura

Murrumbidgee River, Balranald

Murrumbidgee River, Balranald

Sydney Trip June 2011

On the second day of our return visit we stopped briefly at Balranald for lunch. We visited the tourist information centre, then drove down to the picnic area on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River. During and after lunch I did a little birding and captured a nice shot of the White-faced Heron shown below.

White-faced Heron, Balranald

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Sydney Trip June 2011

On our way home from visiting family in Sydney earlier this year we stopped for a short break in the Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens, just a short detour from the main road through the city. We only stayed long enough to have a quick bite to eat, a refreshing cuppa and to have a brief look at some of the flowers blooming in the gardens. Yesterday I showed some of the photos I took; today I add a few more, including some beautiful grevilleas.

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Sydney Trip June 2011

On our way home from visiting family in Sydney last June our route took us through the provincial city of Wagga Wagga. Except for one occasion we have generally driven straight through the city on our way to Sydney, or on our way home. On one occasion we did stay over one night but didn’t see much of the city. We must rectify that someday and really investigate this wonderful place.

Several times we have stopped for a meal or a short break, usually heading for the botanic gardens which are a short two minute drive from the main route through the CBD. On this occasion it was getting late in the afternoon and was very cold, but we decoded to stop for a cuppa anyway. we also needed a toilet break, and to change drivers.

Despite the late hour I was able to get a few quick photos of some of the plants and flowers in bloom. despite it being mid-winter there were some highlights which I will show today and tomorrow.

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

Sydney Jazz and Blues Festival, Darling Harbour

Sydney Jazz and Blues Festival 2011 Darling Harbour

During our holiday in Sydney earlier this year we went on a steam train trip from Central Station. Look back through recent posts here to see photos of the trains we saw and the one we travelled on.

After lunch we wandered through Darling Harbour in the heart of the city. We stopped for a little while to listen to several of the artists performing in the Jazz and Blues Festival happening all that week.

Sydney Jazz and Blues Festival 2011 Darling Harbour

Sydney Jazz and Blues Festival 2011 Darling Harbour

Sydney Jazz and Blues Festival 2011 Darling Harbour