No Comments »12th July, 2010; Category:

Meerkat at Monarto Zoo, South Australia
My local zoo, Monarto Zoo, has a small enclosure near the Visitor Centre which always attracts a lot of attention. The enclosure is on the way from the centre to the bus stop, and almost every visitor to the zoo passes by it. It is the Meerkat enclosure. This wonderful little animal is usually a crowd favourite.
The shuttle buses take visitors on guided tours of the zoo, as well as taking them to various stops along the way. Visitors can alight at any of these stops and walk along the numerous walking trails taking them to viewing platforms o see the animals.
On my most recent visit we thought that the Meerkats had gone to ground for the night. Sunset was not too far away and the zoo was about to close. Then one of them popped out to bid us goodnight, posing for photos – as they are wont to do.

Meerkat at Monarto Zoo, South Australia

Meerkat at Monarto Zoo, South Australia

Meerkat at Monarto Zoo, South Australia