Giant Panda, Adelaide Zoo, South Australia
Two Giant Pandas arrived at the Adelaide Zoo late last year in the midst of great media hype. In fact, for months before their arrival they were featured in the news media almost every day, certainly every week. As the arrival date approached this certainly became every day.
Adelaide Zoo under went a major renovation in preparation. A large new entrance gate area replaced the historic entrance gates which had been used since the 1800s. (The old gates were not destroyed; they are just no longer in use.)
Close to the new entrance gates is a multi-million dollar new enclosure specifically built for the two new pandas, Wang Wang and Funi.
In the just over 6 months since their arrival, the pandas have increased visitor numbers to the zoo by 70%. In the first month or so, coinciding with the Christmas and New Year break as well as school holidays, visitors had to book ahead to see these amazing animals. Even then there was a waiting period before getting to see them. I decided to wait until recently and even then I had to line up for ten minutes at the end of a long line of people. The wait was worth it. Over coming days I will feature the many photos I took of the pandas.

Giant Panda enclosure, Adelaide Zoo, South Australia

Giant Panda, Adelaide Zoo, South Australia