African Wild Dogs, Monarto Zoo, South Australia

African Wild Dogs, Monarto Zoo, South Australia

African Wild Dogs, Monarto Zoo, South Australia

Monarto Zoo near Murray Bridge in South Australia has a large pack of African Wild Dogs on display. These colourfully marked animals are native to large parts of southern Africa. Sadly, their numbers have dwindled in recent decades and they number about 5000 individuals in the wild. Some packs are so small they are no longer viable breeding groups. Zoos like Monarto are therefore a key to the conservation of this species. You can read further about this species on the Adelaide Zoo website here.

On my recent visit the pack was resting right on the track taken by the shuttle bus, allowing excellent photos of the animals. I noticed that the dog shown below has a small wound on the back rump. I guess life can be rugged in a wild dog pack.

Further reading:

African Wild Dogs, Monarto Zoo, South Australia

African Wild Dogs, Monarto Zoo, South Australia

African Wild Dogs, Monarto Zoo, South Australia

African Wild Dogs, Monarto Zoo, South Australia