Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

On a recent visit to the Laratinga Wetlands in Mt Barker I was intrigued to see four very large pieces of art work on display in the picnic grounds. This was the first time I had seen these paintings. By large I estimate that they are about 3m x 1m in size. Both their size and subject matter make an immediate impact on the viewer.

The Laratinga Wetlands are a series of about a dozen ponds on the eastern edge of Mt Barker in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia. They about a half hour drive from the Adelaide CBD and a similar distance from my home. The wetlands make up the purification plant for the local sewage works, the clean water being recycled for watering and irrigation in local parks and farms.

I can find no reference online to the history of these works. If any of my readers can shed a light on this art installation, please leave your information in the comments, or use the contact form and send me an email.

I would appreciate some help.

In fact, I would dearly love my readers to add comments to this post, and other posts on this site. There is a wealth of information scattered throughout this site and it can be access via the archives or the links on the side bar.

Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

Art work at Laratinga Wetlands

Federation Quilt Peterborough

Federation Quilt, Peterborough Town Hall

Federation Quilt, Peterborough Town Hall

The Federation Quilt is on display in the entrance foyer of the Peterborough Town Hall in the mid-north of South Australia. It was made by the local Peterborough Patchwork Quilters group, who also put on special displays of quilts during the annual Arts and Cultural Festival every Easter.

Federation Quilt, Peterborough Town Hall

Federation Quilt, Peterborough Town Hall

Roman ruins of Volubilis in Morocco

Floor mosaics in the Roman ruins at Volubilis in Morocco

Floor mosaics in the Roman ruins at Volubilis in Morocco

Floor mosaics in the Roman ruins at Volubilis in Morocco


Roman ruins of Volubilis in Morocco

Floor mosaics in the Roman ruins of Volubilis in Morocco

Over recent days I have been sharing many photos I took on our visit to the Roman ruins at Volubilis in Morocco. We found them to be totally beautiful, made even more wonderful considering their great age. So amazingly preserved.

Floor mosaics in the Roman ruins of Volubilis in Morocco

Floor mosaics in the Roman ruins of Volubilis in Morocco

ALERT Medical facility, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Leprosy patient at the ALERT Medical Facility, Addis Ababa

During our stay in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia last December, colleagues of our daughter took us to the ALERT Medical facility. The acronym stands for African Leprosy Rehabilitation Training Medical Centre. Most of the patients are involved in craft and art work as a part of their rehabilitation. This art work is then sold through their shop on site, the proceeds returning to the artists.

It was our intention of just to visit the shop and to purchase some of the items, which we did because they were so good. We actually went back again a few days later because we didn’t have enough cash the first time. And we would have bought more items but for the fact that this was the first week of a seven week holiday in Ethiopia, Morocco and Spain. Our luggage allowance on the plane was going to be a challenge. [Postscript: we managed to keep within limits, but only because we sent quite a few items in our daughter’s unaccompanied luggage.]

One of the fascinating workers at ALERT was the man shown above. It amazed me how he could deftly weave the mat shown in front of him – despite having only a few stubs left where his fingers once were. He did this with a wonderful smile. A lesson to me in attitude, I think.

Leprosy patient at the ALERT Medical Facility, Addis Ababa