A visit to Leura in the Blue Mountains

Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW

Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW

When we were in Sydney at Christmas time for a holiday we took a day trip  up into the Blue Mountains. Our son came with us but our daughter-in-law had to work. This meant that just the four of us went driving for the first time in many years. It was good. We were heading for Katoomba but spent an hour or so exploring the shops in the small town of Leura nearby.

While we were there it was time for lunch. We searched the main street for a suitable place, or rather a place with a spare table for four. Not easy during the height of the Christmas-New Year tourist season. We eventually found a table in a wonderfully named cafe called the Loaves and Dishes. We had a wonderful meal which was spoiled by me feeling the absolute pits due to a diabetic low blood sugar level while waiting for our meal to arrive. Despite them being quite quick, I’d let my levels drop too quickly. It had been far too long since my last food intake. After an hour I was back to normal again, thankfully.

An amusing little incident occurred as we walked up the main street. The traffic here probably only crawls along at the best of times. Suddenly one car came to an abrupt halt, the female driver got out and went to the car behind hers and she then proceeded to hurl verbal abuse at the female driver in that car. It was a case of road rage and something that is starting to be far too common here in Australia. The impatience of some people concerns me.

I actually felt like going over to the person and applauding, but thought better of it. I would certainly have received an earful – or worse. Eventually they moved off very slowly up the street, followed by the long line of cars, the drivers of which had been waiting patiently.

Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW

Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW