Butcher Shop in Fes, Morocco
Many shops in Moroccan cities like Fes are very small, like the butcher shop shown in today’s photo. They are just a small opening into the street or lane with a minimal counter for serving. Some of the meats available you definitely wouldn’t find here in butchers in Australia – the camel legs hanging near the front, for example!
Just another interesting facet of life in this wonderful country.
Meanderings in the medina of Fes in Morocco
While wandering through the medina of Fes during our visit to Morocco I was constantly fascinated by the huge variety of items for sale. I imagine one could buy almost anything, from food through to weapons and on to clothing.
The aromas were sometimes overpowering and the colours amazing. The visitor’s ears are assaulted with the constant sound of vendors and customers, musicians, the crowds thronging everywhere and the frequent call of “Balak! Balak!” warning of a little donkey loaded high with goods for sale and the roar of motor bikes cutting a swath through the mass of people squeezed into ever decreasing spaces.
Shopping in Addis Ababa
Like many African and Asian cities, Addis Ababa in Ethiopia is an intriguing place to go shopping. While we didn’t do all that much shopping while visiting our daughter, we saw enough to be fascinated by the differences between Africa and Australia, but also interested in the similarities.
In today’s post I am featuring three kinds of shops: a fruit shop, a clothing shop and a shop selling just car oil (though it might have also been selling car parts; I didn’t go inside).
Like in Australia, shop keepers often spill their wares out onto the footpath (though the footpath shown above is quite a rarity, being actually a reasonably smooth surface).
Street scenes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
By way of contrast with the photos I posted yesterday, today I have shown some scenes of the shops and buildings of some of the ordinary people living in the bustling city of Addis Ababa. There are thousands of street vendors like the one shown above, selling everything from fruit and vegetables to clothing to shoes to whatever you want.
Many of the shops are tiny – perhaps only a few square metres in the front room of a house. Bakeries, butcher shops, furniture shops, car repair garages, cafes, clothing shops, sheep and goats for sale, shoe shops – the list could go on and on. In any one street you can find thousands of different items for sale. It’s all very colourful and diverse with pedestrians moving along the street – or on the road – all the time.
One interesting thing we observed in moving through the streets and looking into shops; they are generally very clean. The street may be rough with potholes, drains, animal excrement and the like, but most shopkeepers take a pride in their shops and the wares they are selling. Even in the poorest areas they attempt to give good service and a good product.